Why Problem of Poverty in Indonesia Becoming Sustainable?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

SINCE the beginning of independence, Indonesia has had great attention to the creation of a just and prosperous society as stated in the fourth paragraph of the Constitution of 1945. Development programs implemented during these also always give great attention to the fight against poverty because development is basically done to improve the welfare of the community. Nevertheless, the problem of poverty to this day continue to be a prolonged problem.
IN general, the participant parties Elections (Elections) 2004 also include poverty alleviation programs as major programs in their platform. In the New Order period, despite relatively high economic growth, namely an average of 7.5 percent during the years 1970-1996, the poor in Indonesia remains high. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the percentage of poor people in Indonesia in 1996 is still very high, amounting to 17.5 percent or 34.5 million people. This is contrary to the view of many economists who claim that high economic growth to increase incomes and ultimately reduce poverty.
Government attention to poverty reduction in government much bigger reforms after the economic crisis in mid-1997. Nevertheless, based on the calculation of BPS, the percentage of poor people in Indonesia until the year 2003 still remains high, at 17.4 percent, with a population larger, ie 37.4 million people.
In fact, according to figures the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) in 2001, the percentage of poor families (families and prosperous Pre-I) in 2001 reached 52.07 percent, or more than half the number of families in Indonesia. These figures indicate that poverty reduction programs has not yet managed to overcome the problem of poverty in Indonesia. Cause of failure
Basically there are two important factors that could cause the failure of poverty reduction programs in Indonesia. First, poverty reduction programs so far tended to focus on the distribution of social assistance for people miskin.Hal that, among other things, the form of rice to the poor and the social safety net (JPS) for the poor. Efforts like this will be difficult to solve the problem of poverty that exist because of the nature of assistance is not to empowerment, it can even lead to dependence.
Aid programs oriented generosity of this government can actually worsen the morale and behavior of the poor. Assistance program for poor people should be more focused to grow the culture of economically productive and able to relieve dependence on permanent residents. On the other hand, social assistance programs can also cause corruption in the distribution.
It would be better if the grants are directly used to improve the quality of human resources (HR), such as the release of school fees, such as primary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP), as well as the release of the costs of treatment at public health centers (Puskesmas).
The second factor that could lead to the failure of poverty reduction programs is a lack of understanding of the various parties about the causes of poverty itself so that development programs are not based on issues of poverty, which causes vary locally.
As known, data and information used for poverty reduction programs has been the result of the macro data of the National Economic and Social Survey (SUSENAS) by BPS and micro data results Pre-registration and prosperous family I by BKKBN.
Both these data are basically intended for the benefit of a centralized national planning, with an emphasis on uniformity assumption and focus on impact indicators. In fact, data and information like this will not reflect the diversity and complexity that exists in Indonesia as a big country that covers many areas that are very different, both in terms of ecology, social organization, cultural properties, as well as prevailing economic forms locally.
It could happen that the poverty figures are not realistic for local interests, and can even confuse the local leaders (government district). An example is the case in East Sumba. East Sumba regency government had difficulty in distributing rice to the poor because of two very different poverty rates between the BPS and the BKKBN at that time.
On the one hand, the poverty rate in East Sumba produced by BPS in 1999 was 27 percent, while the poverty rate (Pre and prosperous family I) which produced the BKKBN in the same year reached 84 percent. Both figures are quite difficult for the government to deliver these benefits because the data used to target households is the BKKBN data, while the allocation of aid based on the number of BPS.
Conceptually, the macro data, calculated by CPM during the basic needs approach (basic needs approach) is essentially (though not perfect) can be used to monitor progress as well as poor inter-regional comparisons. However, the macro data has limitations because only a indicator of the impact that can be used to target geographically, but can not be used to target individual households or poor families. To target poor households, micro data is needed to explain the causes of poverty locally, not in the aggregate, such as via the econometric models.
For micro data, some government agencies have attempted to collect data on poor households or families in full, including Pre and prosperous family data I by BKKBN and data on poor households by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, South Kalimantan Provincial Government, the Provincial Government of East Java . However, the resulting indicators are still limited to the identification of households. In addition, besides the indicators can not explain the causes of poverty, also continues to be centralized and uniform-not developed from the grass roots and do not necessarily represent the unity of the social system that site-specific.
Strategy forward
In connection with the implementation of regional autonomy since 2001, data and information poverty that exist now need further scrutiny, particularly against its benefits to local planning.
Strategies to address the poverty crisis can no longer be seen from one dimension only (the economic approach), but it requires a complete diagnosis and comprehensive (systemic) on all aspects of the causes of poverty locally.
Data and information are accurate and appropriate poverty target is needed to ensure successful implementation and achievement of goals or objectives of poverty reduction policies and programs, both at the national level, district level, as well as at community level.
The main problems that arise in connection with micro data today is, in addition to the data is not necessarily relevant to the area or community, such data can only be used as an indicator of the impact and not include indicators that can explain the root causes of poverty in a region or community .
In the process of decision-making necessary to a realistic indicators that can be translated into the various policies and programs that need to be implemented to reduce poverty. Indicators should be sensitive to the phenomena of poverty or welfare of individuals, families, social units larger, and the region.
Scientific studies of various phenomena associated with poverty, such as the causes of poverty or impoverishment processes and indicators in understanding the symptoms of poverty and the consequences of poverty itself, needs to be done. Therefore, local governments with the help of the researchers need to develop their own poverty monitoring system in the region, especially in the era of regional autonomy. The researchers are not only limited to the discipline of economics, but also the disciplines of sociology, the science of anthropology, and others.
Measures of poverty that is designed in the center is not fully adequate in poverty alleviation efforts in operational in the region. Instead, the information generated from these centers to make the policy wrong direction because the data is not able to identify poverty is actually happening at the local level are smaller. Therefore, in addition to the necessary macro poverty data in national statistical systems, have also obtained data on poverty (micro) region specific. However, the statistics gathered locally needs to be integrated with the national statistical system so that comparability between regions, especially antarkabupaten and provincial comparability can be maintained.
In building an information management system that is useful for the welfare of local development policy, needs commitment from local government in providing funds on an ongoing basis. With the existence of regional funds for data management and information poverty, local governments are expected to reduce the wastage of funds in development as a result of misguided policies, and otherwise help to accelerate the development process through policies and programs that are more appropriate in development.
Gains derived from the availability of data and statistical information that could be far greater even than the cost needed for the activities of collection of such data. In addition, the need for coordination and cooperation between the parties concerned (stakeholders), both locally and nationally or internationally, for channeling funds and assistance provided to poor people on target and do not overlap.
The availability of information is not always going to assist in decision making when decision makers lack an understanding of the meaning or significance of the information. This can be caused by a lack of technical capability of local leaders in the use of information for management. As a form of utilization of information for decision-making process in relation to development in the area, it is proposed to be empowering local governments, related institutions, universities and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in using information for policy programs.
This activity is intended for decision makers, both local governments, related government agencies, universities, and NGOs, can dig right information and use it appropriately to create policies and implement development programs as appropriate.
Local governments need to develop information management systems that produce all forms of information for policy development and implementation of appropriate development programs. Need to formation of a technical team to advise and see the development of system-specific information management area. Establishment of technical team is expected to include local government and related institutions, college parties, and local and national researchers, in order to continuously develop the information management system specific regions.
In this regard, be aware that although data collection system requirements that are designed, administered, analyzed, and funded the center is still important and need to be maintained, it is time also developed data collection mechanisms for the needs of communities and districts.
This data collection mechanism must be low cost, sustainable, reliable, and able to quickly reflect the diversity of patterns of economic growth and socio-cultural movements between rural and urban communities, as well as an increased ecological compromise.

Nation Degrading Work Ethos

The behavior of a nation is not created in a short time, but is formed during the year through culture and education.
The nation is again slumped in the small portrait in the arena of sports XXIII SEA Games which ended Monday (5 / 12) in Manila. In the big picture, this nation called the nation who behave do not appreciate the process, do not like hard work, but like almost instantaneous. Why did all that could happen?
Look at the condition of higher education that has long suffered an "accident". As many as 99 percent of teachers are themselves graduates who took the S2 and S3 in the country. Most of them then teach and test.
Meanwhile absorption student against her professor fed subjects that only 20-30 percent. This situation is exacerbated by the behavior of the majority of students who do not enjoy reading books. Though the book is a window of the world.
A panelist who devoted most of his life in college observed, both lecturers and students no longer respect the discipline. Before the 1970s or in the days of Sukarno, this attitude is still good, in the sense that they know discipline. Why so, because the lessons from the Japanese and Dutch still dripping to the leaders of the nation at that time.
However, since the 1970's superior behavior began to decline. They are getting lazy and lazy disciplined work. Both students and lecturers are often absent. According to his research, teaching for 40 years not one student ever attended a class each week in one complete semester.
"Most student attendance is only 10 times in one semester. And I've been doing the warning, sarcasm or anger, and so on, not ignored, "he complained. That is, impulse laze among the academic community is very strong. Worst of all, the lecturers themselves also like to skip.
Common symptoms are found not only among colleges, but schools spread to low-and middle. There is a perception that after high school and enter college, they all can live freely. Want to come to college, like skipping, no nothing. It's very surprising, the symptoms that thrives when the country built under the New Order.
Similarly, employee behavior in college was supposed to come at 07.00, generally come in at 09.00. If we're talking about class schedules, no lecturers who will teach at 07.00. I wish they taught in over at 09:00 or 10:00. When the panelists are taught on schedule at 07:00, from 50-80 students who arrive on time only 10 people.
In her experience, after an hour, they entered one by one. The entry is also unique, open the door immediately after the sitting. Nothing to apologize for the delay. They think, this lecture our rights, so free like college or not. Furthermore, in general they do not want to study hard and do not enjoy reading books.
"Once when I check my diktat that has been distributed. It's really surprising, I see it is very clean dictate. There is no record of him so much that exam time can not be answered. In fact everything is on diktat, "he said.

Education antikerja
An analysis of the behavior of people in the developed states, the majority of everyday people to follow the basic principles of life. For example, the value of ethics, honesty and integrity, responsibility, respect for the rule of law and society, respect for the right person / other people, love at work, trying desperately to save and invest, work hard until the right time.
The students in developed countries learn to call it work. In the United States, for example, if a student said, I must to work, it means learning or college. However, in this republic of the students do not think so. Once a minister of education stated, children prefer the school, but do not like working. Unfortunately, the curriculum, ranging from elementary school through college, impressed the anti-labor.
In the curriculum, course manual work almost never existed. Fact that there continues to be deleted is recommended. In the past this type of curriculum which entered the Dutch colonial government. The former colony countries, starting in the 1970s, later replaced with the official name of the skill or the craft of fine arts. Ever Teachers' Training College in discussions throughout Indonesia, field craft skills are separated from the fine arts.
At the time of the New Ode, all the media newspapers, television, radio and so forth publicize that distinction. So the school was only for mental labor, not physical labor. Once there was a lesson cubits work. But then should not be used by students to do anything that produces nothing.
Yang said that the lessons of art and feet work in schools should be free to express. He said that important is not the result, but the process, while no matter what the outcome. The process of feeling free that means haphazard work of art in craft lessons and so forth.
Among the public there is a relationship between human dignity and manual labor. The more manual labor that the lower the human dignity. More and less manual labor or no manual labor, the higher dignity. Work intellectual or mental work, such as studying science, theory, philosophy, a lot of demand because of the higher dignity.
However, the physical work because dignity is only slightly lower. Physical work was not only considered to be low, but also an ordinary working people. It's working poor, while working people who are not so obliged to distance themselves from the manual, from the physical.
The situation is similar to the Greeks and Romans first. In ancient Greece is all that is physical manual labor is not considered dignified. Low value
Ironically, education in the republic also "hostile" market-oriented programs. A number of design experts have complained about the behavior on campus that are not market friendly. They feel depressed because if a market-oriented design is considered low. Nice and appreciated if the design is made of classical or scientific nature.
This situation is different abroad. In developed countries almost all students work. That does not work only Indonesian student who happened to scholarships from the government. In fact they can be calm to work in a library such as preparing a book that physically do not want to Indonesian students.
"In the U.S., regular S3 students chatting, at last summer he would work as a contractor build a bridge. They do not know that we consider it low. In my heart, how American students willing to work as doctoral level, "the panelists reveal their experiences. Likewise, Korean students when off, nothing works as a gardener, who is generally disliked by the Indonesian students.
The nation is considered the work that has low value. This means that the work load, work was a necessity, the work was an ordeal. Indonesian Human generally dream to live happy, comfortable life, without working. So who produce food and so forth? As in ancient Greece, so low people, the commoners it. They are told to work, produce rice, for example.
The highest value is life happy. Happy life means a lot of money. How to create wealth without working a lot, yes that corruption ....

Seize Meaning, Learning Language of Life

IN the language we use, says Ludwig Wittgenstein, Austrian philosopher of language, implied an orientation of life which not only includes the concept that we have adopted on about, but also feelings, values, thoughts, culture, up to superstition. Language is very important. Is to determine the relationship and association in every respect in society.
With language we can hide and reveal the thoughts, the language we also create and finish the conflict. Because of language, we give our love and with it also declared war. In short, language is the guide of life and our world picture. Found him an objective analysis of our lives.
LISTEN and news reports on television, noisy speech on campus, and the witnessed literacy in almost all layers. Sentences are incoherent, haphazard spelling, word choice awry until the story is not developed and is predictable and has no imaginative, found in many publications. The book is very attractive, even filled with spoken language.
Descriptions like this, "All day at home continues, out of the house if college aja. Kalo is not no college? Yes ngurung themselves in their rooms. If not learn, yes slept. Frequently actually learn while asleep. Weird, huh? Not normally boarding school boys-coquettish coquettish was not acting. Usually, as soon hear no sale at the mall or a music concert okay, hebohnya since two months before. " however, shows that there is something wrong with the user-Indonesian.
Of course, that example might not be understood by the board, let alone from one side only. Overview of examples that can be received as a result of education is chaotic, it can also represent people who want to be free. Looks indifference, was harassment, and both ensure that Indonesian was not considered important nor valuable to its owner. But if we believe in language as a fruit of mind, logic tool for gathering idiom for the delivery of thoughts and feelings, how language should be associated with the ability to think. Accuracy and speak with such civility, is a reflection of one's reason and culture.
That led us to the schools that educate students capable of reading and writing in Indonesian language teaching. What happens at school? What is with all the effort, money, time, and effort expended, we will only reap failure? How do I manage the eyes of Indonesian language teaching so interesting and can leave their mark on the students? Is there a way to learn the language so that students discover interests and thus can develop their potential let alone find his true identity?
First, it must be credible, ie language learning reading, writing, and speaking is part of the thinking process. With the language, students are enabled to think I might up to the level of the complex because of the availability of a structure to express and recognize the relationship antarkonsep and with that he can communicate with each other. In language lessons, students learn about how to communicate while recognizing culturally appropriate ways of thinking that he learned the language. Therefore, all efforts in the classroom are deployed to enable communication and foster critical thinking skills. Examples of the daily papers to prove that students are not unusual and can think. Converse and communicate is also difficult for many people. The same appears also on their reading.
Second, because language is the thoughts and feelings that were born from a culture and world, then students will only engage in language lessons if he is treated as a subject, allowed to enter actively in the world he was reading, and make reading a part of himself. This is called Paulo Freire as a reading and writing that grew from a dynamic movement to "read the world", which talked about the experience, speaking freely and spontaneously, and no separate read and write letters and words from reading and writing life.
Third, with humility teachers need to realize the importance of increased knowledge about students, about the language being taught and have believed, let alone about life as a source of and reason for the importance of language and become human. Teachers need to be patient and tolerant face and accept the students and always impatient to provide the best. By recognizing the complexity of the development of students, the critical success affirmatively expected to love their students, as well as to receive and pushed to do more, which makes it more responsible for their duties. It strengthens the quality of teachers to motivate students to interpret the reading, capture the meaning and rewrite what they read, and change it.
LOVE, Trial National Final Examination Indonesian junior 20 April 2003 and then show how language education in Indonesia is embracing the concept of banking, because the exam was engineered solely to check what is acceptable student-teachers who dideposito-what they chew and memorize. Multiple choice questions of course necessitates knowledge of the language rather than language skills.
The narrowing of meaning, the sentence berobyek, pronouns, description kesalingan, relationship modality, meaning suffixes, compound sentences, among others tested. This dilemma arises when the student must determine the nature of the characters in literary works based on just one paragraph. A work published in 30's, about a 27-year-old leader is bothering her soul mate, was clearly far from the world of junior high school children. From this test looks neglected the needs of students, suspected of thinking rather than be left guessing, and still needed to involve feelings and interests.
So, what can be done, and what changes are needed? Centre for language teaching should be student, for the sake of understanding, interests, and their needs. Students are full of language and very excited to learn. Their ability to construct meaning is also special, so the teachers can easily become learners when dealing with students. Because the main language learning is a unity in reading, writing, and speech students who want to familiar with the world, then teachers need to become one with students, a delight to recognize life browsing, curious and like to wander.
Teaching language as such is an effort to involve students, who can not be treated solely as technical training, but need to link it with the feelings, interests, and their needs. Its success depends on the participation in a planned dialogue.
To that end, the first two hours every day at school should be devoted to language, and all day effort reasonable, considering the taste by putting students into main purposes. Because reading and writing are ways to find direction and meaning, beauty and intimacy of life that can create and build the lives of students. Only by teaching language correctly we help children get their rights as members of the human family.

Emergency Communications ...

On the way home to Salatiga, call it Y along with her husband and children who were aged 5 years, had an accident in Sleman area where motorcycles are dinaikinya tersenggol bus. In the event her husband died on the spot, Y and his son was seriously injured. They were taken to a nearby health centers. But because of the limited equipment at health centers, the Y is only given first aid and then referred to an IV to a larger hospital.
At first glance, there is no problem that occurred here. But in a state of panic and was seriously injured while waiting for the process of moving to a larger hospital Y continually ask why she did not 'diapa-apain', why doctors do not do anything even though all his ribs broken and answer any doctor asked was' waiting families come '. Apparently, Y immediately assume that what is meant by the words 'family waiting to come' equals 'complete all the administrative alias is no guarantee the new payments are handled patients'.
When to see him in hospital where he was treated later, the Y still vehemently expressed his anger that it was the time when things are on the brink of death though, medics still must ensure the administration had settled before taking action. I try to listen well and pay close chronological problem. It was that sort of thing is often heard. In the case of Y, is actually the sub-health centers already perform all medical acts that may be performed in such conditions in accordance with procedures and capacities. However, given the limitations of equipment, not all the checks can be done at the time, for example, to photograph rongent course should be referred to hospitals that provide these facilities.
Can be understood, the condition of the patient who lost her husband and schock due to severe injuries he suffered and the child's condition would make it panic. Psychologically he hopes soon to get help or integrated care as is often seen in movies ER. Did not realize that he was in a health center.
This problem, if viewed from the perspective and slightly different treatment would cause a different impression.
What is meant by 'family waiting to come' by the health center when it is, we've been doing first aid and for further action which requires medical personnel and adequate equipment more you should be referred to the Hospital which has better facilities. Technical details on this is better discussed with the family, assuming the patient's condition is not possible to receive all the information. This is the actual message to be conveyed and then captured a very different by the patient because of stereotypes that are so inherent in the words 'family waiting to come'.
Amazing, how a sentence / message can mean very different by the recipients of the message. In such situations sometimes medics are trapped on the idea that, not allowed to communicate something about the conditions and actions to be taken in patients with severe conditions considering the factor of lack of patients to receive the information in these conditions.
Then, how to communicate properly with no contributing factors that aggravate the condition of the patient?
In the case of Y, may be tried packaging the message is more informative than just 'wait for family to come'. For example, to convey that it was performed first aid on you and because of limited medical personnel and equipment owned health centers, then the examination and further treatment will be referred to Hospital A.
Give a brief message is informative, as far as possible easily digested by the patient so that patients are not allowed to be a helpless creature who had to wait, wondering and making assumptions that develop into worse in every second of The wait. Create a calm patient with that information.
Sometimes when waiting for action to be given, patients often feel overlooked because there was no confirmation from the medical officer who handled it. Better to communicate if indeed the patient had to wait a while for observation first.
Establish good communication during an emergency is difficult. Especially in these conditions which are preferred course is to help patients as soon as possible. But it never hurts to reduce the misunderstandings that often occur, the quality of communication between medical staff and patient need to be improved. Apart from emergency situations, patients should be treated much and how tired medical staff have been working, it is important to keep that communication with patients going well.
Already we often hear complaints about the doctor patient quiet, impatient alias will not listen to complaints of patients until complete, stingy, etc. information. There must be reasons why it finally emerged this serious perception. Such a noble profession of medicine is not supposed to end with such a negative stereotype just because of events that should be created with better quality.
If anything, doctors have been very tired because of dense activity, patients should be treated so much, keep a schedule leaves no time off at all and has lot of other reasons. But the problem does the patient know and understand it? Keep in mind that when someone is lying as a patient, he just wanted to be checked and treated with all possible attention. At that time sensifitasnya will increase, so boro-boro want to think, 'wow yes doctor probably tired of talking and so he rarely hurry ..' What will happen is the opposite, hence the negative perception is then developed.
Then how do I fix this?
Never tired to create good communication. From some instances, this weapon proved quite efficacious for building good relationships with patients and avoid misunderstandings that led to numerous allegations of malpractice more intense lately.

Nanotechnology, Between Dream and Reality

It was common knowledge that developed countries in the world, such as the United States, Japan, Australia, Canada and European countries, as well as some Asian countries, like Singapore, China, and Korea enterprising middle-jealous develop a new branch of the popular technology called Nanotechnology. Billions of dollars of funds began to be disbursed in these countries, in various fields of research. Everything is vying to use keywords Nanotechnology. Actually what is nanotechnology? And why do so many researchers in various countries vying to enter the field this one? How luaskah scope? Why this happened just a few years nanotechnology boom?
As the name implies, nanotechnology is technology on the scale of nanometers, or billionths of meters. To be able to imagine the dimension of nanometers, we can take example from our own bodies.
A strand of human hair has a diameter of approximately 50 micrometers. One micrometer is one-thousandth of a millimeter own. And one millimeter is the size of the smallest unit of length on a ruler wrote 30 cm, typical school children. And one nanometer is one-thousandth of micrometers, or roughly equal to the diameter of our hair has been cut 50,000 times! As another comparison, the size of our red blood cells is about 20 micro meters, and abdominal bacterial cell is 2 micro-meters. The protein has a size of several tens of nanometers.
From the viewpoint of the size of the top down (top down) like it, nanotechnology is important in the world because of human engineering seeks to integrate a function or work in a smaller size scale and smaller. Why? People say, "small is beautiful (small is beautiful)", but, of course integrate a function of machines or tools in a smaller size not only means memperindahnya but also means to reduce the energy required by a work function and thus the speed up the process and mempermurah cost jobs. As an example of our easy to understand is what happens in the world of computers and microprocessors. Factories microprocessors such as IBM, Intel and Motorola continue to strive to higher levels of integration mikroprosesornya.
Approximately ten to fifteen years ago, the distance between the gate (gate) MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) is 0.75 m, and the level of integration in the 5P 80 386 to 80 486 is approximately 100,000 to 1 million transistors on a chip. But, on the Pentium IV, processing technology, IC (integrated circuit) which has been used successfully to reduce the distance between the gate to only 0.125 m and reached the level of integration up to 100 million transistors on a chip chip.
Smaller distance between the gate means increasingly little time required to travel an electron (which means faster switching rate) and will also mean little more processor power required. More than that, the more functions that can be integrated in the processor, such as a built-in multimedia, voice processing, and so forth.

In addition, this IC processing technology began to be used also to integrate the functions of mechanical and electrical for the engine, sensors or actuators on the size of milli, micro, up to nanometers. Micro structure that integrates the mechanical and electrical function is usually called Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS). For example, MEMS technology allows the creation of an array of pressure sensors so small in size (Figure 1) as to be placed anywhere in a building structure or machine, for example.
However, if nanotechnology is only struggling with IC and microelectronics engineering are then applied also to mikromekanika? If only so if the need forthis terminology is thus heralded the end-; days?
It turns out that nanotechnology is currently booming not only associated with conventional engineering top-down IC or MEMS. All this stems from a scientific speech Nobel laureate, Richard Feynman in 1959, entitled "'There is plenty room at the bottom" (There's plenty of room below), which is now widely cited nanotechnology enthusiasts.
At that Feynman said, it is possible (at least when it was still in the dream) to create a machine so small in size, which can then be used to manipulate materials on the scale of that size. In fact, it was Feynman states also, if a physicist given the "engine" right to manipulate atoms and placed at appropriate places, then he could theoretically make any compound or molecule, of course, a stable energy (stable = minimum energy level .)
Such systems, though not at the atomic level, at least has existed in nature, as has been written also by K. Eric Drexler in the landmark papers in 1981, and introduces the term molecular manufacturing (molecular manufacturing). In her paper, the Drexler gave several examples, how nanometer-sized machines already exist in nature and how they have been involved in the preparation of molecules and information in living cells. For example, the ribosomes that make up the amino acids one by one based on RNA, for memfabrikasi protein, then the genetic system (DNA polymerase enzymes, RNA polymerase, etc.) that store and process genetic information, flagella (a kind of structure 'hairs') on bacteria as its driving force, and so forth.
The ability to manipulate materials at nanometer scale is important, because at this size scale of material begin to form certain properties based on structure. On a smaller level, atomic level (Angstrom scale), which is owned properties is the nature of the atom itself. When the atoms begin to join each other and develop a specific molecular structure, nature would be different according to the structure. For example, atomic carbon (C), which when arranged in a tetrahedron three-dimensional structure will form a diamond is hard, but when arranged in two-dimensional hexagonal structure and form layers, so that we found was that of graphite (pencil raw materials) of fragile.

Nanotechnology is aimed at developing molecular manufacturing methods (eg in the form of 'engine' of nanometer-sized) that can do the preparation of the component atoms or molecules on a regular basis and controlled to form the desired structure. Model material fabrication bottom to top (bottom-up) as opposed to conventional top-down technology like this will allow very precise control of material properties that form (ie free of defect / defects).
Besides reducing the incidence of waste during fabrication because only atoms / molecules to be used are manipulated (different from top-down methods that often lead to waste due to unused material), and of course the possibility of saving energy also means saving costs. Systems such as photosynthesis in plants is an example of molecular manufacturing system with high energy efficiency.
The problem then, how the component atoms or molecules can be prepared? As well as the approach of ribosomes in the cell, Drexler proposed the making of "arm-arm" robotic and nano-sized components of other machinery that allows for the withdrawal fabrication processes on a macro level: sorting of materials, energy conversion, material placement, etc..
This method is called Mekanosintesis, doing chemical synthesis mechanically. Some nano-size structure of the machine (which was formed from several thousand to millions of atoms) have been successfully simulated with the computer, which means mathematically and physically possible to be made. An example is the wall of the room containing the pump rotor material and selectively choose which functions atomic neon (Ne) to be ready for use on the next process (Figure 2).
The next problem, if such a structure is "possible" (read: stable thermodynamic) to be made, how the process to make the initial structures to be used as a machine for the fabrication of nano-machines next? And from what was originally the driving energy?
Some proposed alternatives have begun to try to solve the first problem. Nadrian Seeman tried to make these basic structures of molecules of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, the basic compound gene) by relying on the nature of self-raft (self-assembly) of DNA, which binds to Thymin Adenine and Guanine binds with Cytosin.
By synthesizing DNA with specific sequence, Seeman managed to create basic shapes and devices nanomekanik DNA cube. Other researchers at NASA Ames Research Center to simulate the use of Carbon Nano Tube (a tubular structure of carbon atoms are synthesized nanometer dimension with the principle of self-assemble from carbon, the use of certain metal catalysts) to form the gear and the crankshaft. The structure of gear or shaft can be made from carbon nanotubes with a certain chemical reaction to "put the" wheel-shaped cluster of chemical molecules (eg benzene) around the tube (Figure 3).
Another way to arrange the components of an atom or molecule at this early stage is to use nanotechnology instruments, such as the Atomic Force Microscope (Atomic Force Microscope, AFM), and Breakthrough Scanning Electron Microscope (Scanning Tunneling Microscope, STM). The second basic principle is like moving the microscope "hand touch" in xy coordinates, while maintaining the distance (z coordinate) between the "hand touch" with the sample being studied (Figure 4).
Called the "hand touch" because it's microscopes are no longer using light as an imaging tool due to the limited light on the nanometer scale (the effect of light diffraction). AFM to detect non-covalent forces (non-chemical bonds, such as electrostatic forces and Van der Waals force) between the samples with "hand touch", while the electrons from the STM detects breakthrough "hand touch" which penetrates the sample and received by a detector below the sample. At first, these instruments are limited only used for characterization or 'imaging' sample. But, lately, starting also be used to manipulate molecules and atoms. By changing the current major breakthrough in STM for example, we can take O atoms and reacting with CO molecules to form a molecule of CO2 and everything is done with single molecule precision. In ordinary chemical reactions, it takes quite a lot of molecular components that react to possible, statistically, the "collision" between these molecules.
With regard to the problem of energy supply structure at the nanoscale machines, Prof. Montemagno at the University of California at Los Angeles has successfully tried to use bio-natural nanomotor F1-ATPase to drive the propellers are made with MEMS technology. Bernard Yurke of Bell Labs. using DNA to try to make a nano-motor.
Another possible alternative is to combine top-down nanotechnology MEMS with bottom-up nanotechnology. Electric motors and generators of energy (eg battery thin layer) on the micrometer scale with MEMS technology has been widely reported. Next live transmits motion from the motor to the structure of the "arm" robot on a smaller scale - nanometers.
Dream nanotechnology to manipulate the material with the same level of flexibility that has been achieved with humans in manipulating data with information technology, it may still seem far away and still a lot of homework to do. However, in its development is still too young now, nanotechnology has provided a new color in other areas.
Application of nanotechnology in analytical biotechnology such as allowing new methods are much more sensitive and stable than conventional methods. The development of MEMS, which even depart from the conventional IC technologies, still in progress so rapidly, with new applications in optics (appears MOEMS - Micro Optical Electro Mechanical Systems), integrated sensor systems, non-wire, and also in the application of RF (Radio Frequency)-MEMS. On the development of nanotechnology is so felt, how the background science and technology of multi-discipline is needed: the mathematical modeling, physics for understanding the phenomena of style and energy, chemical (inorganic and organic) to understanding the nature of the material, and biology to learning-system engineering systems in living organisms.
In addition, creativity and the creation of high power is needed to discover breakthrough techniques and new methods, and applications that fit. Of course, moral virtue and religion still needed for the application of this technology does not actually harm the survival of mankind.

Wisdom Technology

Why is this beautiful science, which saves work and makes life easier, just bring happiness very little? Science is supposed to liberate us from the exhausting work of spiritual instead of human slaves making machine. The simple answer is because we have not yet learned how to use it appropriately. (Albert Einstein)
WHEN The Little Boy and The Fat Man, the two U.S. atomic bombs, raise a red mushroom in the sky city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 59 years ago precisely that commemorated last week, anyone will be sad to imagine. Face the wrath of technology appear violent.

Iluminate not just been burned pretty logistics city of Hiroshima, but also cast a high radiation exposure to residents. Then thousands of people dead and affected fry somatic-genetic effects of ionizing radiation.
Humanity we must deplore the tragedy. However, how far we can learn from this event, addressing the science and technology wisely? This is our homework.
Science in praxis
The reason, science has been growing very rapidly. He was originally tied to spirituality, continue to shift toward praxis. Science which was originally more of a mental activity Primum vivere, deinde philosophari (first fight for a new life after that berfalsafah) has been transformed in praxis as "explanatory" (explain) and "oracle" (Predict) natural phenomena.
However, the milestones of the most prominent scientific praxis is what happened during the Industrial Revolution through the invention of the steam engine (1769) by James Watt. Dream Francis Bacon in his book The New Atlantis as a country full of hi-tech materialize. According to Capra in The Turning Point, "since Bacon, science objectives dihambakan turned into knowledge to master and control nature, that for purposes of antiekologis" (F Capra, 1997).
How does the enormity of the revolution that started the modern era it portrayed Peter Gay in the Age of Enlightenment, that how the new manufacturer with no restraints of law and ethics to move with great cruelty and no obscenity. They employ the kids for 14, 16, or 18 hours per day. Workers forced to accept the cruel rules, while the penalty for noncompliance is very hard and cruel (Peter Gay, 1966).
Finally Luddite movement in 1811 exploded and destroyed the machinery industry. Hence the most powerful memories of that time is not on the application of science and technology thermodynamic steam engine itself, but on the fact that James Watt has changed the structure of peasant society and the English nobility, and split it into the worker-employer-proletarian and bourgeois enemies, as well as figures rise by Karl Marx.
When Soddy discovered phenomenon of fission nucleus (nuclear fission) or Enrico Fermi's first reactor design under the University of Chicago football stadium, no bells and whistles that formations. But when the Manhattan Project aimed at B Reactor plutonium from Hanford Site, Nevada, and its enrichment of uranium-235 installation for The Little Boy and The Fat Man, the global order is changing. Not only Japanese society is thick with the spirit of Bushido and willing to die for the emperor turned into human beings who look sideways individualist Heika Tenno (emperor), Kimigayo (anthem), and the Hinomaru (national flag), and even nuclear power has changed the structure of political- global economy of post-World War II.
Rapid changes
Now the change is increasingly rapid motion. First, the shorter the distance between the discoveries of science with technological applications. In atomic physics, for example, used to examine people with absolutely no intent to obtain new energy sources, but rather with curiosity about the smallest structure of matter. However, having discovered the phenomenon of splitting the core, it has become the technology of atomic physics.
That is, the longer the distance between discovery science and technology products increasingly short. In the past decades that time interval, the result of science is still public domain even though the technology to be trade secrets are bought and sold. However, now, hose it down to an annual time just because of the concentration of thought and communication super antarsaintis. As a result, science becomes a trade secret.
Second, change the position of centers of excellence in science and technology. The centers of excellence which was originally located at this university has moved into government research institute. Then with the shortening of interval between discovery science and technology, sharp commercial competition, as well as the high value of the economic value of scientific discoveries, this position was taken over the company.
A paradigm shift (techno-paradigm shifts) in which human resources become the main capital of the company-not the other physical devices-and any company not just produces goods and services, but of thought. In fact, in many Japanese manufacturing companies, investment in research is much greater than for capital investments and changes from place to manufacture goods to be a place to think (Fumio Kodama, 1995).
This phenomenon is visible also in industry in Silicon Valley such as Apple Computer, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Xerox, Lucent Technology, and IBM. Even models of technology-belts such as Silicon Valley loved many countries such as Tsukuba (Japan), Hsinchu (Taiwan), the chemical industry in Basel, Switzerland, or Puspiptek, Serpong. That is, the company has become a center of excellence in science and technology development.
Thus, science and technology is becoming increasingly integrated and subject to market mechanisms. Research will be more market driven rather than academic driven. If so, along with globalization, multinational corporations (MNC) to dictate foreign technology in a country. This should watch out because they, according to Stuart Sim in Nirmanusia, is the advanced capitalist who desires do not lead to expansion and innovation of technology to eliminate human morality (Sim, 2001).
Therefore need to fight against nirmanusia, namely the collapse of humanity, designed by advanced technology. Humans need to oppose any solution that nirmanusiawi supported by the forces of "techno-science", namely technology plus science, plus advanced capitalism, and multinational corporations.
This is the beginning of a tragedy like Minamata, Bhopal, Chernobyl, or Buyat case that recently erupted. This phenomenon should be examined carefully because the power of investing successfully dictate the emergence of such regulations of Law on Water Resources and Mining Law on Protected Forest Area or win the administration of KLH-coast in the case of reclamation-which ultimately marginalize our ecological quality.
History has shown, science and technology does not necessarily bring happiness and make life easier. Misuse of technology has overturned the value of those benefits. Therefore axiological technology should be controlled for regret Einstein's humane ethic above becomes meaningless. There needs to be a technology wisdom, that wisdom how to use technology fair that he was a blessing, not a disaster. This is what needs to ponder while commemorating the tragedy of Hiroshima-Nagasaki.

Technology Centers

WHEN people began to busy talking about the blueprint of information communication technology development in Indonesia, appears a wide range of ideas to encourage the use of technological advances that now seem hobbled his way. Thus, the signal "which mentions that there is no breakthrough, Indonesia will become a user of the incoming technology, can be a sad reality.
There also are talking about an Internet cafe (cafe) to serve as a catalyst for advancement in information technology. But if we reflect for a moment what has been produced by the presence of the cafe over the years, we may be ashamed of themselves.

Many of us who still remember the course, carding a variety of cases that occurred in recent years, which causes the entire transaction by using credit cards from Indonesia on Internet network can not be used at all. Carding is generally initiated from a variety of cafes scattered everywhere mana.Di other hand, due to reduced interest in the people who use the Internet, then most of user activity in information technology now turned into a game center that offers online game services, such as Ragnarok or Gunbound which is currently very popular first person shooting game replaces. There's nothing wrong with this game center. Because it is Internet cafe business requires a certain income to sustain their survival.
In addition, play a variety of digital games is the intersection of our earliest to explore the benefits of information communication technology further. Therefore, we should welcome the presence of various game center and rental places and other digital games such as PlayStation rental places that spread everywhere. So to build the cafe into a container, the idea that emerged in the midst of confusion we find ourselves facing identity rapid technological devices into Indonesia and drastic changes in technological advances into the effort a waste. Because now it has a lot of container organizations existing information communication technology and not much help in the development of technology in Indonesia.
We often forget that information communication technology has always had a very incentive learning processes. That is why, all the different technologies on the market ranging from cell phones, computers, televisions, and so have the guides take the user to run the technology correctly.
Therefore, the empowerment of technology in Indonesia should begin in schools, where teaching and learning processes take place. Indeed, the issue is not enough funding allocated by the government to fill the schools with this technology.
So that is needed now is a concerted effort to make the schools as centers of technology in Indonesia as an effort targeted to generate the digital creativity of our school children. By mutual cooperation, both of us, the importers (by providing a computer that is not used or set aside funds profit by half a percentage), and all parties concerned, certainly within the next five years, technology and digitalization of life will be better. Hopefully! (*)

'Quantum' Rescue Computer?

Quantum always sounded mysterious. Letter Q alone is mysterious. Quantum has become popular, used as a brand, but really do not understand. Quantum opposite of classical physics and all our intuition. Engineering science is to avoid being too theoretical and can not be applied. But this may be the only hope to avoid the end of the progress of the computer.
Although we are always surprised to see the new computer models appear every month, this theoretically no end. Computing the present - a conventional computer - done by the transistor, and its speed depends on the size of transistors. Progress computers that until now happening is because the transistors become smaller. Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, in the '60s said, the number of transistors per square inch would be multiplied two times each year.
One day it could be a transistor of a single atom and Richard Feynmann, the greatest physicist since Albert Einstein, argue that this is the smallest possible size of the transistor. Surely this extraordinary success to achieve that measure, but is this really the end of the progress of the computer? No, with the Quantum Computer. Quantum Computer, unlike many other terms, it uses quantum phenomena that can not be imitated conventional computer. This is not an ordinary computer development, but a new concept altogether.
Quantum Computer can process much faster than conventional computers. In essence, quantum computers can process in parallel, so that computing is much faster. To 1 million data, conventional computers have 500 000 calculations, while the Quantum Computer only need 1000. That is, can be 500 times faster! This can only be achieved with quantum theory. Quantum, the opposite of our intuition, saying that nothing is certain. A particle can not be said must be somewhere, but only so-called probability wave function.
If we tried to find atom with even the most advanced microscope, we will not be able to know exactly where the atom is located. This is not a shortage of equipment, this is the nature of nature itself is strange. When observed, this wave function collapses and it becomes a real particle (therefore, we have never seen a wave function). Eg something just might be able to be particles in the two conditions A or B. If we observe, will we get A or B, turn. However, while not observed, the particle will be at A and B simultaneously (the particle is in a superposition of A and B).
As someone confused to choose between chicken and fish at the restaurant, he would withhold a decision as long as possible and continue to see the menu, thinking, up to now maid came and she finally had to order one. But before the waiter (observers) to come, she is in a superposition of chicken and fish.
Erwin Schrvdinger, inventor of the principle of this uncertainty, the fantasy Schrvdinger's Cat experiment, proving that even before observed, the cats in his experiments could be in a state of life and death as well - live well and die well!
Strange and confusing nature of this would be relied upon Quantum Computer. -Incredibly powerful as a conventional computer, he always works with bits, binary digits that can only be 1 or 0. Quantum Computer can escape from this restriction, because it can be in a state of superposition of 1 and 0 at the sametime. This figure is called qubits (quantum bits, of course) which can be 1, can be 0 or can be between 1 and 0 - remember, this is not to say 0.6 but 60% probability of A and 40% probability of B.
Qubits used is the spin of atoms or electrons. Spin that there is no analogy in classical physics is the nature of a particle which has two alternatives, up or down. We can assume that up is down are 1 and 0. Over the past is not observed, qubits can be in a superposition of up and down, and interact with other qubits. Two qubits can be in four states at once: 00, 10, 01 and 11; four to eight-state qubits at once. A quantum computer with 100 qubits could process the same situation in 2100, the same as a conventional computer with 1030 processors!
Quantum Computer Is this really could be made? The answer, Quantum Computer've ever made! In 2000, IBM has made quantum computers with 5 qubits with the atom as a processor.
The question now, whether quantum computers can be economical for everyone? With tremendous potential, certainly not just ogled by quantum physics theory but also by engineering. One day, and perhaps soon, we could just see the Quantum Computer is not a dream but as a technical college.

Mystery Numbers Zero

HUNDREDS of years ago, people only knew the 9 symbol numbers 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Then, come the number 0, so the number of symbol numbers into 10 pieces. It is unknown who the creator of the number 0, the only historical evidence shows that the number 0, first discovered in ancient Egyptian times. At that time zero just as lambang.Dalam modern times, the number zero is used not only as a symbol, but also as the number who participated in mathematical operations. Now, use the number zero has infiltrated deep into the joints of human life. Counting system is no longer possible to ignore the presence of zero, although zero one made a mess of logic. Let's see.
Zero, cause crashes
Lessons about the number zero, from ancient times until now always cause confusion for students and students, even the user community. Why? Is not zero one represents something that does not exist and that nothing was there, namely zero. Who is not confused? Each time the number zero appears in mathematics there is always a weird idea. Like the idea if something is multiplied by 0 then becomes not exist. Could it be 5 * 0 to not exist? (* Is multiplication). This idea makes people frustrated. Is zero magician?
Worse yet-confused-why would increase 5 +0 = 5 and 5 * 0 = 5 as well? Indeed such a rule, because of zero in multiplication is the identity numbers are equal to 1. So 5 * 0 = 5 * 1. However, it is also true that 5 * 0 = 0. Waw. What about 5o = 1, but 50o = 1, too? Yes, never mind. Another rule of zero which is also mysterious is that a number is divided by zero if not defined. That is, whatever number that can not be divided by zero. Sophisticated computer will somehow die suddenly if a sudden meeting with a zero divisor. Computers are ordered to stop to think if he met the divisor is zero.

Numbers zero: homeless
Numbers have been prepared based on the hierarchy by a single straight line (Figure 1a). At the starting point is the number zero, then number 1, 2, and so on. Greater numbers on the right and a smaller number on the left. The farther to the right will be even greater this number. Based on the degree of hierarchy (and bureaucracy numbers), a person if walking from point 0 towards continually greater numbers to the right will reach the numbers which do not infinite. However, that person may also come to the point 0 again. Is not this world round? Could it be? Columbus Did not say that if he kept sailing until he would return to Europe?
Another. If someone departs from zero, it is not possible until the number 4 without first passing numbers 1, 2, and 3. But more strange is the question of possible someone could go from point zero? Obviously not, because it is not the point of zero point something that does not exist? Strange and hard to believe? Let's look further.
Note the number line (Figure 1a), in between two numbers or between two points there is a segment. Each number has a vertebra. If this segment is cut into pieces and then a black circle dots moved into the middle segment (Figure 1b), was number 0 does not have sections. Thus, the number zero was in the clouds. Numbers zero has no homeless shelter alias. That is why, why the number zero should be attached to another number, for example, in figure 1 form the number 10, 100, 109, 10 403 and so forth. So, one can never go from zero to the number 4. We must depart from the 1.
Easy, but wrong
The teacher asks the Ani describes a geometric lines of the equation 3x +7 y = 25. Ani think that to get a line that needed two points from end to end. However, after the count is calculated, it turns out there's only one point passed the line, ie, point A (6, 1), for x = 6 and y = 1 (Figure 2). So that Annie can not make the line. The teacher warned that using the number zero. Yes, that's the way out. First, give y = 0 obtained by x = (25-0) / 3 = 8 (rounded), is the first point, B (8.0). Furthermore, given x = 0 obtained by y = (25-3.0) / 7 = 4 (rounded), is the second point C (0,4). Line BC, is the line in question. However, how disappointed the teacher, because the line was not through point A. Thus, the BC line is wrong.
Ani defend themselves that the error was very small and can be ignored. Teachers stated that it was not a small amount of mistakes, but where is that correct? Is not the line BC can be made through the point A? Said the teacher, use the number zero in the right way. How do we have to help Annie make the correct line is? Easy, says consultant Mathematics. At first the value of 25 in 3x +7 y should be replaced with the result of multiplying 3 and 7 that obtained 3x +7 y = 21.
Furthermore, in the new equation, given y = 0 obtained x = 21 / 3 = 7 (without rounding) was the first point P (6.1). Then give the value x = 0 obtained by y = 21 / 7 = 3 (without rounding), that's the second point Q (0, 3). The line PQ is a line parallel to the line to be searched, namely 3x +7 y = 25. Through point A drag line parallel to PQ obtained P1Q1 line. Well, that's it. The students have found the correct line thanks to the help number zero.
However, the teacher was very disappointed because no one actually had the correct line. Is not in the equation 3x1 +7 x2 = 25 there is only one solution point that is point A, which means the equation 3x1 +7 x2-shaped it's just a point? Even in the equation 3x1 +7 x2 = 21 does not exist a point no matter who is in line PQ. Therefore, the line PQ in the system of integers, does not really exist. Strange, the number zero has deceived us. That fact, an equation does not always form a line.
Moving, but stationary
Numbers do not only consist of integers, but also there is a decimal number, among others, from 0.1, 0.01, 0,001; and so strong-as strong as we can call it up so small. Since very little can no longer be called or not infinite and in the end it is considered zero. But this idea turned out was confusing because if an infinitely small number treated as zero then means zero is the smallest number? In fact, zero represents something that does not exist? Waw. That's it.
Based on the concept of decimals and continuous, then the number line in Figure 1a is not that simple because between two numbers there is always a number to three. If someone jumped from number 1 to number 2, but with the condition have to jump over them first to the nearest decimal, can he? What is the nearest decimal before it reached the number 2? It could be the number 1 / 2. However, you should not jump to number 1 / 2 because there is still a smaller number, namely 1 / 4. So there is always a number that more closely ... namely 0.1 and then there are 0.01, 0.001, ..., 0.000001. and so on, so that eventually the number closest to the number 1 is so small that number is considered to be zero. Because the nearest number is zero alias does not exist, then you can never jump to number 2?

CDMA and GSM Technology Competition

COMMUNITY began to feel the benefits of competition in telecoms and technology competition and business rivalry between operators provide a profitable alternative. With the entry of technology-based TelkomFlexi CDMA (code division multiple access), so now people can enjoy mobile phone services with PSTN fixed phone rates. So cell phones are not luxuries anymore.
IN dealing with this competition, the role and the correct consistency regulators tested. That is how the policy and regulatory policy of telecommunications sector to give priority to public interest above the interests of business players.

The main problem for this government is how to accelerate the addition of telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia. Telephone density (teledensity) has been only 3.7 percent, or an average of three phones in a hundred residents. Obviously this figure will be even less for the rural areas or remote areas that can only reach 0.01 percent only. Required technology breakthroughs and regulations to boost Indonesia's teledensity figure is far behind compared to our neighboring countries.
In Indonesia, the liberalization of mobile business started in 1995, when the government began to open opportunities to the private mobile telephone business in a way full competition. Can be considered, how when technology GSM (global system for mobile) came in and replace first-generation cellular technology that has been previously entered into Indonesia as NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone) and AMPS (advance mobile phone system)

GSM technology is superior, higher network capacity, because the efficiency of frequency spectrum. Now, within a period of nearly a decade, GSM technology have become a market with more subscribers than fixed telephone subscribers. This trend will continue because in addition to its features more interesting, a mobile phone is still a prestige, especially for the Indonesian people.
However, until now cell phones are still a luxury, not all levels of society can enjoy it. Transit is still very high compared with fixed line PSTN (public switched telephone network), both for local and long distance communications (long distance), some have reached Rp 4,500 per minute flat rate for long distance communication.
However, no matter what the tariffs offered by GSM mobile operators, because there is no other choice, what can make, is taken as well. Especially since the PSTN phone can not be expected. Thus, the introduction of CDMA technology promises an economical solution to meet the obligations of governments in accelerating the addition of the PSTN. Moreover, CDMA comes with 3G cellular technology, which offers features more sophisticated than the GSM technology. These advantages as well as to meet the lifestyle needs of modern society.
Why CDMA can be cheap?
One time a student at the elevator suddenly ask that question and I just berkometar, lest GSM overpriced. CDMA comes with a price of 200 dollars per SST (telephone unit), much cheaper than other access technologies so far in Indonesia so that PT Telkom dare give cheap rate. In fact, CDMA is more sophisticated and more superior than GSM.
If so, need to be questioned again how exactly the GSM cellular business climate during this includes players who played behind all that. Starting from vendors, operators, and regulators, who most benefited, although certainly not as a consumer society.
Especially if you consider the scheme of cooperation between vendors to operators in the pattern of procurement or purchase of technology. Pain again, is there any technology transfer that means for our country? It's nearly a decade, vendors of GSM technology in and doing business in Indonesia, in fact we were just the buyers and users of technology alone.
Now with the entry of CDMA technology from the other camp with a new business if it was from America, Japan, Korea, or China, is expected to be more open business climate. To be seen whether there are new players in good faith to promote the empowerment of our human resources.
Of course the government and the operators must have strong negotiating power, lest they come with a series of demands and requirements to facilitate their business, while we do not know what the state would ask for them. Although we do not have a competitive advantage in this technology, but a promising market potential, can be used as bargaining power, for example, to fight for a real technology transfer. Another thing that matters more is not to place reliance on one or two vendors such as our previous experience with Siemens.
From the aspect of technology, either GSM or CDMA is a digital cellular technology standard, GSM only difference is developed by European countries, while CDMA from American and Japanese sides. But it should be noted that GSM and CDMA technology from different paths so that the evolution to next generation 2.5G and 3G networks continue to the next will be different as can be seen in the scheme.
Therefore, we must carefully choose the technology. When we choose CDMA, we then have to follow the path up-grade CDMA continues. Keep in mind, the up-grade technology network in a single lane will be easier and cheaper than migrating to other technologies.
Network performance is the next criteria to be considered in technology selection. Performance of cellular networks is highly dependent frequency spectrum efficiency and sensitivity to interference because the frequency spectrum is a very limited resource.
To improve the efficiency of frequency spectrum, the frequency reuse techniques conducted a re-Used, re-use the same frequency in another cell at a certain distance so that no interference occurs. CDMA technology has a higher network capacity compared to GSM technology and the same frequency can be used in every cell of adjacent or adjoining ones.
CDMA technology is designed not sensitive to interference. In addition, a number of subscribers in a single cell can access the same frequency spectrum bands for use coding techniques that can not be done on GSM technology.
Limited Mobility
Mobility is a major advantage compared to fixed line mobile technology. Each customer can access the network to communicate from anywhere and here lies the difference with fixed telephone.
The concept of cellular technology design ensures the mobility of each subscriber to communicate whenever and wherever he was. So from a technology aspect, there is no limit mobility and even customers roaming (roaming) may be international.
If done restriction, especially if the limited use of the technology in just one cell, the customer could only communicate or use the phone within the coverage area of BTS (base transceiver station) in which he subscribed.
To Jakarta certainly very ineffective and inefficient because such customers who have a house in East Jakarta, working in Central Jakarta, or shopping to Glodok, the phone can not be used. In addition, these restrictions can be used to add the cost operators roaming between cells that would be detrimental, difficult, or fooling the public. Do not let the competition of business operators and community sacrificed. If the restriction remains to be done, would be considered a reasonable restriction. For example, limits the scope covering Greater Jakarta (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi).
This incident is not much different from what India faced in 2000 when the GSM operators worried about their business is threatened when the CDMA entry. The government gave permission CDMA-WLL mobile technology is operated to accelerate their PSTN infrastructure, to achieve the target of 7 per cent teledensity in 2005 to come. Until now, the Government of India remained consistently maintain the CDMA technology, with mobility remains limited, but wide enough coverage area that is roughly one province.
Facing the increasingly fierce competition and business cycles as well as the increasingly rapid technological competition, in determining policy and discretion, regulators should look at from all points of view with a comprehensive review, not partial. And more importantly, be able to anticipate any changes that might occur so as not to miss continue.
With the convergence of telecommunications with information technology, licensing policy should no longer depend on technologies and services. Each operator is free to choose the most economical technology and is suitable to enhance their competitiveness, in order to offer services to people with low tariffs. Regulators really need to be independent, impartial to any technology or vendor.
Furthermore, the liberalization of this sector requires the regulator to maintain continuity of service to the community, not to place the cherry picking that may be made by new players. When they caught, they just left without a moral responsibility to the community.
Usually these cases occur in developing countries where the laws and regulations are still very weak, as had happened in India so that the strategic measures need to be prepared either by regulators or operators. For example, to anticipate the competition, GSM operators should start thinking about alternative technology solutions whether upgrading or migration.
Therefore, the role of government and regulators still urgently needed to safeguard the interests of a country, especially in transition from monopoly to competition. For our country, which until now only so buyers and users of technology, of course it must be smart to choose the technology most economical and suitable to the needs and economic capabilities.
Do not get hung up on a technology or in one or two vendors only. We must be mobile in a free, not limited mobility.